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Volume 19 Issue 3

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News and comment: This issue examines ‘Crime waves’, with Matt Minshall picking apart the persistent nature of crime on p12. Meanwhile, Matthew Porcelli examines the security aspect of crime. 

Crime waves: Our feature explores crime and communities; middle-class terrorism and aviation threats; the riots in Southport, UK; white-collar crime; the gaps in Japan’s low crime rate; and the failure of legislation as a deterrent against rape and murder in South Asia  

Resilience and response: This edition asks many questions: How can businesses sustain themselves against civil unrest and crime? How can whole-of-society resilience help fight against national threats? Can the UK police recover from its trust deficit? What role can situational awareness play when it comes to travel safety? How can we tackle crises in the air? 

Floods and climate: The issue includes a brief focus on the flood in Southern Brazil, where we examine shortfalls in response and the innovative use of dogs and drones that eased frontline pressures. The edition also takes a look at how climate change can induce and amplify criminal behaviour, and human trafficking 

Digital dots: Identity and access management; tackling disasters in remote locations; masking digital authoritarianism in Bangladesh; and, revisiting consequences in systemic risks 

Plus: News, events, next gen and frontline


CRJ 19v3 SPREADS (257.9KB) 18/09/2024,
Amplifying voices in emergency response (123.6KB) 16/09/2024, Today, despite the countless ways to communicate, it seems harder than ever for voices to be truly heard, according to the Emergency Planning Society
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