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Roger Gomm

Roger GommRoger Gomm QPM, Advisor, Trainer, Consultant, Associate Lecturer, Cabinet Office Emergency Planning College, UK.

Roger retired from the Metropolitan Police Service having successfully completed a 34-year career in 2012. He has a unique background in operational command, having been pivotal in all major events in London for over 14 years.

He led the Casualty Bureau team in New York after the 9/11 terrorist attack, negotiated two-way flow of information on UK casualties enabling the UK Government to support bereaved families. In July 2005, he managed the police response to the London bombings of ‘7/7’, where he used his in-depth knowledge to excellent effect.

More recently he initiated the initial response to and later reviewed the London Riots of August 2011 to identify learning. His professional and personal commitment was recognised by Her Majesty in 2007 when he was awarded the Queens Police Medal for distinguished Service.

He is working as an Advisor, Trainer or Consultant and his portfolio includes;

- Associate Lecturer, Cabinet Office Emergency Planning College; delivering multi-agency strategic (Gold) and tactical (Silver) emergency and crisis management training to public and private sector as part of the Civil Protection Faculty.
- Associate Tutor, College of Policing; deliver Leadership, Management and Operational Command training
- Visiting Lecturer at Portsmouth, Christ Church and Huddersfield Universities; delivering practical workshop on integrated emergency management.
- Head of Training and Development, Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management (ICPEM).
- Advisor to GLA / London Resilience Team as part of the Academic and Operational Reference Group.

Click to view blogs by this author:
Zero-sum game: How selfish strategies undermine global security  
June 2024: Roger Gomm reviews the annual Munich Security Report 2024, which explores the lose-lose dynamics that arise when governments prioritise relative payoffs over positive-sum co-operation
Global Risks Report 2021
In 2020, the risk of a pandemic became reality and governments, businesses, and societies are now seeking to respond and plan the recovery from Covid-19
The challenges facing crisis management
The Covid-19 crisis is not an unprecedented or unpredictable event. Roger Gomm considers the difficult tasks ahead for crisis managers and asks: What lessons should be learned and what strategies can we use to move forward?
Planning for post-event lesson learning 
It is being widely reported that we were warned about the threat of a global pandemic. Yet on most fronts, we were still arguably behind the curve and caught unprepared. We will need to understand why this was the case, and what we need to do to prepare f
Cybercrime prevention for Internet service providers 
Roger Gomm comments on the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) new report, Cybercrime Prevention principles for internet service providers, published this January.
Why the terrorist threat level is still 'Severe' 
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is Severe and has not been below this level since August 2014. Roger Gomm asks: Is it still justified? The threat level for the UK from international terrorism is set by the Joint Terrorism A
Thoughts on recent terrorist attacks 
Roger Gomm of our Editorial Advisory Panel, says the terrorist incident in Manchester - as well as attacks in other parts of the world - remind us that the threat is complex and evolving continually.
Defend, deter and develop: UK's national cyber security strategy 
The UK Government has published the National Cyber Security Strategy 2016 to 2021, which sets out the government's plan to make Britain secure and resilient in cyberspace. The new strategy is built on three core pillars: defend, deter and develop, writes
Cold weather planning 
Public Health England has recently published a Cold Weather Plan, giving advice to help prevent the major avoidable effects on health during periods of cold weather in England, writes Roger Gomm.
A review of the San Bernadino public safety response to 2015 terrorist shooting incident 
A critical incident review titled Bringing calm to chaos, looks at the San Bernardino public safety response to the 2015 terrorist shooting incident at the Inland Regional Centre, reports Roger Gomm for CRJ.
National Flood Resilience Review in the UK 
The National Flood Resilience Review was established in January 2016 to assess how the UK can be better protected from future flooding and extreme weather events such as during December 2015, reports Roger Gomm for CRJ.
Police use of firearms in England and Wales 
The UK Government has released the statistics on the police use of firearms in England and Wales, reports Roger Gomm
World Risk Report 2016: The Importance of Infrastructure 
The Institute for Environmental and Human Security, part of United Nations University published its annual World Risk Report on August 25, 2016. The report focuses on the consequences of possible extreme natural events in 171 countries, reports Roger Gomm
EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 
This new edition of the EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT), which Europol has produced on an annual basis since 2006, provides an overview of the failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks that took place in the EU during 2015, and of ar
Revised definition of UK 'Major Incident' 
Editorial Advisory Panel Member and Security Correspondent Roger Gomm reports on how the Cabinet office has revised its definition of what constitutes a Major Incident, amid ongoing concern over the diversity and inconsistency of terms used by different r
UK Investigatory Powers Bill and bulk personal datasets 
The UK Government has published a number of documents that provide guidance about the Investigatory Powers Bill. These will be of particular interest to those with an interest in counter terrorism matters, writes Roger Gomm.
IPA Global Anti-Terrorism Forum held in Macau 
The International Police Association (IPA) Forum for Global Anti-Terrorism was held in Macau, China recently. The IPA is a worldwide, growing and outward looking organisation for police officers and staff, both serving and retired. It is an NGO in Consult
Communities can help to defeat terrorism 
Communities have a role to play in keeping where they live safe by reporting suspicious activity, says Roger Gomm
UK Counter Terrorism Awareness Week offers advice for businesses and the public 
Set against the background of high security alerts across Europe and the recent lockdown in Brussels, Belgium, the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) in the UK has been hosting a National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week 2015 from Novembe
Ebola is not over: No room for complacency 
Ebola is not defeated in West Africa but appears to be off the radar for the mainstream news media, writes Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm. Although the peak of the outbreak has passed, transmission continues in several areas in Guinea and Sier
Day 10 - SE + Central African Strategic Command Course, Rwanda 
Final day of the course starts with a students structured debrief, identification of key learning and what it all means in the future.
Day 8 - South East Central African Strategic Command Course, Rwanda 
Day eight of the course comprises a review, or debrief, of the strategic command exercise, says Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm.
Day 9 - SE + Central African Strategic Command Course, Rwanda 
After the last few days of frenetic activity on the exercise, today we are back in the classroom to discuss the 'threat from terrorism', says Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm.
Day 7 - SE + Central African Strategic Command Course, Musanze, Rwanda 
Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm says that on day two of the strategic command exercise, we held a short period of reflection on the exercise process, challenges faced so far and learning in the command roles.
CRJ in Rwanda - Weekend update 
Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm's weekend report from Rwanda, where he is delivering a two-week 'Policing Operations' module to the SE and Central African Police Strategic Command Course at the National Police College, with his colleague Huw Go
Day 6: South East Central African Strategic Command Course, Musanze, Rwanda 
Today is the start of the three-day strategic command exercise, a key part of the course. It is a paper feed process based on the operation the students planned last Friday in class.
Day 5 of the Police Strategic Command Course in Rwanda 
Roger Gomm outlines how the Strategic Command Course students have prepared for next week’s three-day exercise, which is the keynote of their course; an opportunity to test all the elements of command.
Day 3 of the Police Strategic Command Course, Rwanda 
Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm says that students focused on how Gold, Silver and Bronze come together to form the command structure for incidents and events, and describes how he has been avoiding Muzungu traps.
Day 4 of the Police Strategic Command Course in Rwanda 
Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm says that students were given the opportunity to put the past three days’ learning into practice with the first serious exercise of the course.
Day 2 of the Police Strategic Command Course, Rwanda 
Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm describes how the second day of the course involved looking at the role and requirements of the Gold/Strategic Commander.
Delivering strategic command training to South Eastern and Central Africa's Police 
Editorial Advisory Panel Member Roger Gomm is in Musanze, Rwanda, to deliver a two-week 'Policing Operations' module to the SE and Central African Police Strategic Command Course at the National Police College, for the third year. This year’s course has s
Elevated threat: Implications for businesses and individuals 
As you will know, the current UK threat level from international terrorism for the UK is assessed as SEVERE, writes Roger Gomm SEVERE means that a terrorist attack is highly likely.
New Editorial Advisory Panel Member 
Roger retired in from the Metropolitan Police Service after a successful 34-year career in 2012. He has a unique background in operational command, having been pivotal in all major events in London for over 14 years. He led the Casualty Bureau team in New
Public disorder: Different styles of policing 
Roger Gomm, Fellow of the ICPEM, who is writing an article on public order policing for the next issue of CRJ (published September), shares his thoughts on recent events in Turkey, after analysing the issues in an interview for the BBC.
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Roger Gomm
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